Monday, June 21, 2010

You've heard this before

Once again this is my last week traveling to Dallas for this particular client. The signed agreement this time had limits on the number of hours available. This week I use up the remaining hours, so unless there is another signed agreement or extension, I am done.

According to the weather website, it is going to be a hot one. The majority of my time is spent indoors so don't really get bothered by the heat. The one place it is really noticeable is in the car at lunch or when heading to the hotel in evening. I have purchased those front wind shield guards before and have left two in rental cars. I'll hold off this time and just bare through it.


Kay said...

Maybe you will get air conditioned seats again!!!!

jaalspa said...

No AC seats this week but I did pick out a Cadillac CVS, the caddy suv. A sweet ride.