Thursday, June 17, 2010

I think I'm lucky to be home

Left Dallas on time.  Right after takeoff the pilot announced that there was weather in the Minneapolis area but he was expecting it to pass by the time we were ready to land.

Couple of hours later I noticed the plane taking a huge banking turn to the west...away from Minneapolis.  The pilot announced we were put in a holding pattern.  We took at least two huge circles west of Minneapolis.  The sun came shining through our normally east facing windows.

There were beautiful huge clouds to the east of the plane.  My seat mate seemed pretty familiar with weather at this altitude.

After our two loops, we were cleared to land and with only some minor bumping and shaking landed to a very wet and very cloudy MSP.  Once I got home, the sky turned orange and angry.  No storms yet and it looks like everything has moved to the East.

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