Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fireplace Insert

The fireplace gas insert is in, inspected and turned on.

It was professionally installed. The installation went fairly smoothly until the facing was to be attached. The facing is the ornate metal surround you see in the picture to the right.

There is a framing piece that attaches to the actual gas insert and the facing is to attach to the frame. However, my fireplace opening is very very small and the framing would not fit inside the existing firebox.

Rather than have the brick chipped away which I figured would end up breaking more than intended and the installer said there was additional charge for that, I had him screw the facing directly to the outside of the fireplace.

It only screws in one place (at the top) but is very secure.

The installation took a couple of hours on Monday. The city inspector came this morning to check the gas line and the placement of the unit.

An installer followed up the inspector to attach the gas, turn the unit on, and instruct me on the operation.

I think it looks fantastic. And it provides a good deal of heat.


bunny said...

WOW! it almost looks like an altar or something:)

jaalspa said...


bunny said...

i didn't mean altar, i guess, i meant shrine! fancy place bring offerings:)