Monday, December 28, 2009

Working From Home...sort of

No travel this week so I get to work from home. Except that I cannot connect to my client's network from home for some unexplained reason...unexplained by them because it worked until an upgrade in the Fall.

My two favorite coffee shops to hang out in were also experiencing connection issues. The Dunn Bros at Lake and Bryant is having wireless internet connection problems and have been unable to resolve. Isles Bun & Coffee has the similar connection problems as my home wireless. I can connect to the City of Minneapolis network from Isles but it costs money and is not too reliable.

So being a good consultant I decided to go to the downtown IBM office and connect from there. Well, that was a disaster. To make a long story short, it didn't work so hot. So I packed up and headed back to Uptown. On the way I lost my hat and it is cold and windy today.

I'm at another Dunn Brothers in Uptown but their wireless isn't working correctly either. So I've connected back to the City of Minneapolis service. We'll see how this works out but I think it is a sign that my time with this client should be over or I have to travel to Dallas.

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