Friday, December 18, 2009

A rare Friday in Dallas

Client asked that I stay through Friday this week since I won't be traveling for the remainder of 2009.

This past Tuesday went to Prairie Lights with Asha.  I have a neat video that I'll post this weekend.  Yesterday we had a team lunch at the Four Seasons.  Just us IBM developers and client developers.  It was nice to get everyone out of the building and together for a change.  I then took the IBM developers and their wives to the client's downtown store.

I was hoping for amazing Christmas window displays but was somewhat disappointed.  Client has done a display to support children, innovation and creativity.  It was clever but not so Christmassy.  The store itself is not all that big but is extremely tasteful.

Santa was there having his picture taken with children but he was getting ready to take a break when we arrived.  He looked a bit tired and was kind of cranky when I tried to chat with him.  I'd probably be cranky too if all kinds of kids had been sitting on my lap.

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