Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wild goose chase...or is it a coyote?

Asha invited me to go see the Prairie Lights a Christmas light display that you drive through.  She lives in Cedar Hills which is south of Dallas.

I met her at her house.  First we were going to put the lights on her Christmas tree but on the last string of lights one half weren't working.  I tried replacing the fuses but that didn't work.  We gave up.

We climbed into my Hertz Ford F-150 with Beaux, Asha's new dog.  We stopped at Popeye's and Taco Bell for some food to take.  We planned on eating while waiting in the line to get into Prairie Lights.

Turned out that Asha didn't know exactly where Prairie Lights was but we figured there would be plenty of signs.  Well, there werent'!  Matter of fact the one or two signs that we did see were not in the least bit helpful.  We drove around for quite awhile until we went back to a sign to get the phone number.  Asha called and the directions given over the phone were also not very helpful.

We finally arrived a little before 10pm.  The place closed at 9pm!

On the way out to Prairie Lights we saw a coyote cross the road right in front of us.  Seeing that animal made me think that Mom's backyard fox may have actually been a coyote.  My brother had also mentioned that Kim (daughter) had seen an entire coyote family in her backyard in rural Virginia.

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