Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Severe weather including tornado - update

While at the office tonight, tornado warning was issued and those still at the office had to take cover in tornado shelter or indoor hallways.

We were there for over 45 minutes. No tornado near us turned out.

That was 7pm. It is now almost midnight and another set of storms coming through Dallas. No tornado warnings with this one but lots of lightening and thunder.

Thursday morning update: Storms continued through the night. Woke up at 3am because of lightening. I got up at 5am with another storm roaring. I decided to iron my shirt and then the lights went out. The entire hotel complex lost power.

Power came back on about 5 minutes later. I walked over to the gym. The sky was actually clear over the hotel but lightening flashing every which way.

It is now 9am and another storm is rolling through. Doesn't bode to well for an on-time departure.

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