Thursday, June 25, 2009

Random thoughts

Home again. So much nicer to get home before 9pm than 11pm. And now that it is summer, the sun is still shining.

Speaking of sun. It was 101 degrees in Dallas when I left. That is just HOT. The weird thing was that I couldn't cool down after coming in doors. I would still be sweating several minutes later. It was like the sun was boiling my blood.

The chat boarding the plane at 5:30 was whether Michael Jackson was dead. People were using their web-enabled phones to try to get the news. Didn't really hear confirmation until we landed.

I finished my first USA Today crossword puzzle. The whole thing!

A really noticeable thing flying into Minneapolis are the trees. So many trees and so green. Dallas/North Texas does not have the trees.

Sorry for no car reviews. I've pretty much gone through all the models. The only new one was week before last. I had an Eclipse Spyder. A two door and a convertible! Fun but it was so hot couldn't always have the top down.

This week was a Chevy Malibu. Really nice looking car and nice to drive.

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