Monday, June 22, 2009

A piece o' cake

A piece of cake is exactly what I had after my colonoscopy. I hadn't had anything solid to eat since Saturday night. My appointment today was at 4pm. For someone who normally eats every 2 or 3 hours, yesterday was a tough day of not eating anything.

Today wasn't so bad for some reason. As many people said, the prep was worse than the actual endoscopy. The folks at Minnesota Gastro...blah blah were nice. It was the end of their day and I think they were a bit punchy.

The doctor gave me a clean bill of health. No polyps at all. Just a bit of hemorrhoids.

I'm glad it is over and happy to be eating again.

Back to Dallas early tomorrow morning. American has changed the schedule again. My usual 8:25am flight is no more. There is a 7:10 and a 9:?? something or other. I'm on the 7:10am.

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