Friday, June 12, 2009

Getting home??? 7:57pm CDT


I don't know how but I got home.

I was stand by on the 2:45pm flight. I didn't have much hope I thought. 2:45 soon turned into 3:20. Then 3:45. I was #10 out of 48. Some folks' names were actually on the cleared list so there were stand by people making it on.

They appeared to close the flight but the gate attendant was still working the computer. Miraculously he called my name. I went up and he asked if an upgrade was okay. Sure was. I was in the row 6.

I think I was the last one on the plane. I got settled in and then saw the pilots make a beeline for the door. Lead flight attendant announced that the plane we were on was just assigned to Austin, TX and our plane was now at another gate. Another gate in another terminal!

Everybody got off the plane and headed to the terminal C.

I had called Kevin, my nephew, to let him know I as actually going to make it home by around 6pm. He told me he thought they were having car trouble.

When I called Kevin back to let him know I was delayed, he told me they were, too. Their mini-van had broken down and they were on the side of I-90 in Minnesota. They had called their car care service.

Meanwhile, all the passengers, pilots and flight attendants headed to the other plane. Departure time was now set for 4:30.

We did take off on time and land some 2 hours later. I called Kevin. They were back on the road and had another hour or so to go.

Kevin just called. They are close and are going straight to hotel. I'll meet them down there and if we all aren't too exhausted, we'll get a bite to eat.

Decided to try my luck at standing by.

Except didn't even try the earliest flight. The 12:50 flight didn't leave until 1:30. Was on stand by list of 50...yes....5 - 0 ... other people. Because of my status I was at least propelled to the 15th spot.

Not one person on stand by got on the flight.

I'm now rolled over to the 2:45pm flight.

Stay tuned.

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