Saturday, April 11, 2009

But, Mom, I don't always remember what you say

I was riding the bus from downtown yesterday evening. There was a mom and two small children at the front of the bus. One kid was just a toddler...all bundled up and not making a sound. The other kid was probably 6 or 7 and standing on the seat.

The six year old was telling his mom that he had hit another kid at school. And he confessed that he had hit this other kid pretty hard. The mom said something about already planning on talking with the teacher.

The six year old explained that the other kid and pushed him down and that he was defending six year old lingo.

The mom started in on this whole psycho-babble story about something or other than I could not follow. It was somehow related to the knocking-down-hitting incident. After mom finished her buzz word-filled talk with her six year old, he says, "But, Mom, I don't always remember what you say."

The fascinating thing was you could tell the little boy was trying to say, in a nice way, "What the heck did you just say?!" to his mom. I was totally impressed with the kid.

They got off at the next stop so I didn't get to hear anymore of the conversation.

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