Friday, January 16, 2009


I was supposed to be meeting friends for dinner on Wednesday night. I hadn't been in the garage or driven the truck for a day or so. I couldn't get my key in the outside garage door. I thought it was probably ice and shoved and pushed the key. Then realized it was the wrong key.

I got the correct key and tried again. Couldn't get the key in the lock. Sprayed WD40 in the lock. Was able to get the key in but it wouldn't turn. Heated up my 3M heat gel pad in the microwave. But heated it too much and it burst. I still put it on the door knob to try to thaw it out. Still not able to turn.

As last resort I boiled water and poured that on the door knob. I knew that was going to be a mistake if it didnt' work. It was still below zero and was going to be for another day or two. Still couldn't turn the key. Ended up calling friend to pick me up.

Next day, Thursday, got out the heat gun. Ran two extension cords from the house. Heated up the door knob. Still nothing. I couldn't break the door in because I had reinforced it a few years ago when I realized how easy it was to break in. And I don't have a spare garage door opener for the big door.

So, ended up calling a locksmith. I lucked out that the closest company had someone available within the hour. The guy shows up with tool box in hand. Big, tall guy. He asks for the key. Puts the key in the lock. Taps the key three times with the back of his screw driver. And voila, the key turns and the door is unlocked! Took about 30 seconds!

He only charged me $68.00 for the service call.

Gotta get a spare garage door opener, eh?!

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