Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I haven't done much blogging lately.

This blog was set up initially for me to let friends and family know I was doing in London while living there on an IBM project. And more importantly, for me to connected to my friends and family when I was so far away and alone.

Now I've been trying to keep the blog going with what I think are the interesting things I occasionally do. My travels for work over the past few months have been far from interesting hence the lack of blogging entries.

I don't discuss work because it is mostly boring and tedious. And I don't want potentially compromise something. Makes it sound like I do important, clandestine work...which I don't.

So I'm wondering if I should keep the blog going? If so, should I enter just stream of conscientiousness stuff?

After a day of working on the computer, it is sometimes hard to turn the thing back on again and type up anything. I open to suggestions.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Why not? It lets you know where you've been. At least where you mind has been.