Monday, January 19, 2009

Best birthday ever! (Saturday, January 17)

The gang of 14 arrived in Cozumel on Saturday. There was one slight mix-up. Turned out that Marlin's flight was a later one but he didn't realize it until after he checked in. Connie, the travel agent, had said that every one was on the same flight.

The party had actually started earlier with nine of us on one Super Shuttle to the airport. Kathy Just, JT and Linda road together being driven by JT and Linda's super neighbor.

Jay Rendall made his first of two trips to the airport to drop off Jill and Alicia Rendall.

It had warmed up dramatically in Minneapolis. It was 16 degrees. The first above zero temperature in three days.

The direct flight from Minneapolis to Cozumel was uneventful for the most part. Bunny surprised us all by knowing Kathy, the flight attendant. She and Bunny chatted like they were old college friends. Turns out Bunny had been getting her haircut and was talking about her planned trip to Cozumel and Kathy, the flight attendant, over heard her and introduced herself. There are more "small world" stories on this adventure.

Rose had gotten luggage tags made for all. Thanks to Terry and GTees for the design. It was easy to see which bags were ours so Rose and Pat Quinn had already been gathering them.

Everyone got through Mexican immigration and customs just fine. We got tickets for the van and started piling in. Rose and Pat Quinn had purchased separate air and hotel package - a WorryFree Vacations deal. They had free ride to hotel.

Bunny and I were in the water by 3:30...just. Everyone hung out on the beach. Jill and Alicia went snorkeling. Marlin arrived in the evening.

We gathered in the hotel inside bar around 7pm. I wasn't expecting any presents. Jill and Alicia had been giving me two cards every hour. I got more beautiful cards and the most amazing present from everyone -- they had adopted a 2 mile section of Highway 10 near Elk River. I was presented with a personalized safety vest and hat.

We then headed down to the restaurant for a wonderful meal.

Here is luggage tag design on my t-shirt.

Part of the big group...

My birthDAY celebration continues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet no one will want to come home. Thanks for the pictures and update. I was hoping you would let us know how the trip was going. Love you, Carol