Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Newseum - Washington, DC

I haven't had much time to update the blog. Sorry.

Wanted to do a quick review of the Newseum. Mom, Deb, Linda and I went last Saturday. It is rather pricey especially for DC where almost all the museums are free. $20 bucks for admission but you see everything for that.

First all it is located right on Pennsylvania Avenue. Next to the Canadian embassy and across from the Federal Trade Commission and the National Gallery West Wing. The top floor is an outdoor terrace with the most incredible view of the Capitol Building.

There is a working studio. It is where George Stephanopolous does his Sunday talk show. There are interactive displays of news history. All the displays are kept current with news of the election and such. A large control room manned by at least 3 or 4 people keeps all the screens, theaters, projections, etc. running and active.

You can even play newscaster yourself. Deb did one on sports and I did one on weather, of course. I haven't had time to download the video yet. When I do, I'll post on here.

After we were done at the Newseum and as we were leaving, it was pouring down rain. The staff were handing out rain nice...and announced that there was a tornado watch. How did they know? Because they watched the news!

We were blocked from getting back to the car by protestors. Free Tibet protests were going on because of the G-20 economic summit going on up the street at the National Building Museum. So we were wrapped up in news leaving the Newseum.

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