Sunday, September 9, 2007

A busy Minnesotan

My friend Bunny shared her mom's email with a group of us. I found it very humorous, a insight into mother and daughter, and a slice of life. Here is Bunny's email (with permission) with her mom's email in the middle of it:

hey, everyone. i emailed mom my regrets that i wouldn't be coming to ely for the "harvest moon festival" this weekend, and i got this reply, which i'm sure you'll enjoy, too!

i'll miss seeing you but i understand...sat
morn i have to take requests for Polka
don, in the afternoon from 2-4 i have to be
in the ely winton hysterical booth and then
all day Sunday i'll be in Biwabik for the
SWU minnesota i'll be busy but
i'll still miss you!! mom

oh, so you know, polka don hosts a 3-hour polka only radio show. in my family "historical" and "hysterical" have always been interchangeable words. SWU is 'slovenian women's union". don't even ask:) anyway, she's busy, so don't bother going up there! bunny

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