Friday, September 21, 2007

Am I whining a lot?

I was going to title this one, "Isn't it any wonder that I'm tired," but maybe I'm just whining.

Here goes...American Airlines changed their schedule first of September and I'm now taking the last flight out of Dallas which is at 7:45pm. The later in the day the more chance that there are going to be storms. Last night was one of those nights.

I got to airport just a bit before 7pm for 7:15 boarding. I do like to cut it close so I don't have to hang around the airport. A bit before 7:15 the flight gets delayed to 8:25. There are severe storms in Minneapolis.

We actually board the plane for an 8:25 departure. The pilot announces that our take-off time is now 9:20 but we have to pull away from the gate because another flight needs our gate. We drive out onto the tarmac and wait.

About 9pm the pilot announces that because the Minneapolis airport has been closed and there is only one runway, we are pushed back to 10:15pm take-off.

You guessed it.. pilot announces another time change. Now it is 10:39. Then about 10:20 he says they have shaved six minutes off our departure and we are going to take-off at 10:33, six minutes early! EARLY! What happened to 7:45!!??

We actually do take-off. We land at 12:15am and I get home about 1:00am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, you're whining:) you can't very well expect to land safely in a thunderstorm, can you? we had straight line winds in golden valley and i was without power for 16 hours, so i have the right to whine.