Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Weekend up north

The Caribou Trail to the cabin.
Drove up north with my friend Jenny for a Memorial weekend. We left Saturday morning for Jenny and Andrew's cabin on Lake Gust.

There was a memorial planned for Dick Frye, a long long time resident of Lake Gust. Dick died last year. He was a naval veteran and had helped many people build their cabins on Gust. I had not met him but Jenny and Andrew had.

We made it in time for the memorial and heard many amusing stories of Dick and the Gust Lake cabins. The whole group then walked over to the minnow barrel the Dick had set up for everyone to use. Paul, who had lived in a Gust cabin, scattered Dick's ashes around the barrel. Todd, who now lives in Dick's remodeled cabin, had repaired the minnow barrel so it functions again. It is fed from a spring up the hill.

Saturday was a nice day. It had been forecast to rain but it was just mostly cloudy. Jenny had started a new puzzle and was anxious to get to work on it. We spent most of the weekend working on the puzzle.
Saturday night we grilled corn, brussel sprouts and turkey brats.

Sunday was a rainy day. We had planned to go canoeing but decided to go for a walk while it was raining very lightly. We ended up doing a 4 mile hike. It was very nice. We didn't see any wildlife bit did see traces... moose poop, bear poop and moose tracks.

When we got back to Gust Lake road, we ran into Bob and his dog, Gus. Bob and his wife have a cabin. Bob is a talker. It started to rain hard so we retreated back to Jenny and Andrew's cabin and worked on the puzzle. Sunday we grilled chicken thighs and beets.

Monday, Memorial Day, was gorgeous. We got up early and drove with the canoe to Brule Lake and paddled around for an hour. The birds were singing like crazy. It was so beautiful.

Grand Marais
We took the canoe back to the cabin and drove down to Grand Marais. It was an absolutely perfect day on Lake Superior. Jenny bought me a mesmerizing owl carved on a stone. She has bought many pieces from this artist and ordered a piece she wanted for her brother. We ate a late lunch and laid in the sun on the rocky beach. It was fantastic.

Jenny and me with the finished puzzle.
Monday night we combined our leftovers into a large salad. Yum. We finished the puzzle then played cribbage. We were really hoping for northern lights. The prediction center had said the likelihood was high. It was a clear night but we didn't see any northern lights.

I stopped at Palisades Head on US 61. See photo. Jenny was staying up at the cabin and Andrew was coming up today.

A weekend of mud.

Road trip food. Fritos, jerky and coffee.
a turtle on Brule

Palisades head. This is what Northern Minnesota is made of.

wild clematis in the woods behind the cabin

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