Sunday, May 8, 2016

Visit with Mom Part 2

Wednesday we met great niece Annika and her father, Jason at Luray Caverns in the Shenandoah Valley. We stopped at Washington, Virginal, a tiny town with a world famous inn and restaurant. The restaurant was closed on the day we drove through.

Luray Caverns is a privately owned natural wonder. I remember touring the caverns when I was little. Mom really wanted to see it again. I was concerned that there would be a lot of walking. I did convince her to bring her cane which we referred to as her 'get up stick'.

The photos do not do the cavern justice. There are a number of chambers some of which are enormous. There are all types of stalagmites and stalactites in many different colors.

water reflection
The famous fried eggs that now look more like oysters from years of people touching them.
My great-niece, Annika, in the garden maze. We got really lost.

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