Monday, October 19, 2015

Back to shorts weather

After a couple of frosty mornings, I am back to wearing shorts today. The forecast is for a high of 75. Sweet!

The first frost in town was Saturday morning. I covered the tomatoes and peppers in hopes of getting another week or so out of them. There was another frost Sunday morning. I'm not sure if they are really going to make it. We'll have to see in a couple of days.

There still hasn't been a real freeze in town though apparently there was at the airport - the official weather recorder. The indication of a real freeze is the falling of the ginko tree leaves. I am still waiting for that to occur. The leaves haven't even turned yellow yet. There have been a few times when they have dropped before the green is gone.

There are still some beautiful fall colors in the neighborhood. We have had a gorgeous season this year.

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