Friday, October 16, 2015

A different kind of apple fest

There is a different apple fest than my annual last Sunday in September one. This is the backyard animal apple fest that goes on all fall.

The sparrows eat the apples on the tree and generally leave them there. The wasps eat at the ones the birds have started on.

The squirrels grab some apples from the tree or get the ones on the ground. Slugs eat the ones on the ground. The squirrels place the apples around the yard (see photos below). This year there is a chipmunk living in the backyard. It usually eats the ones on the ground.

There are plenty of apples to go around so I am not concerned with the backyard animal apple fest.
On the fence

On the ladder step

On the top of the ladder

At the front door!
There is probably a Dr. Seuss rhyme in there somewhere.

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