Saturday, February 1, 2014


The adventures continue non-stop. We met up with Todd and Julia to skydiver from Pacific Skydiving on the North Shore. Gracie had been skydiving 3 or 4 times already. Todd has parachuted for work (Army) but not skydived like this. Was definitely first time for Julia and me.

While we were waiting to skydive, Jenny went to the beach to swim and relax. We had to wait for quite a while. There was a group of tourists that arrived on a bus. Apparently they had done all their paperwork on the ride up. You have to initial about hundred (not kidding) different waivers on seven pages.

We met Jenny at the beach.
 Julia and Todd had to leave to pick up Megan from school. Gracie, Jenny and I went to Hali'eva for sushi lunch. Then we drove out to a park on the far north west point of Oahu. We were to hike to a bird sanctuary but it was really far and we gave it up. I was pretty exhausted. We did see a lot of whale spouts and may have even seen an orca.

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