Thursday, January 30, 2014

Re-enlistment and swimming with sharks

Jenny and I were honored to attend the re-enlistment ceremony for one of Gracie's soldiers. The soldier re-enlisting can choose the locale. This solder chose sunrise on the North Shore.

We all went to Hali'ewa for breakfast after the ceremony. From there Gracie, Jenny and I went to Turtle Beach to look for sea turtles. None there but we went to Hali'ewa Bay and saw several sea turtles near the beach.

Today's' big adventure was swimming with sharks. There was a boat ride to about 3 miles off shore where the boat moored to a flotation buoy. The shark cage was brought to the boat. The group was divided into 3 groups of about six. We were the second group.

There were Galapagos and Sandbar sharks and they do swim very close to the cage. Honestly I was doing pretty good with the sea swells until getting bashed around the shark cage. I got sick in the water and then really sick once back in the boat.

It was still a good adventure though we all decided it was not thrilling.

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