Friday, January 17, 2014

DFW to MSP -- old times

For those of you that have been following my blog you know I traveled back and forth from Minneapolis to Dallas for several years.  I flew American Airlines all that time and got to recognize and be recognized by a few of the Minneapolis-based flight attendants. I also accumulated a lot of miles and reach Executive Platinum status which got me to first class nearly every flight.

Last night I flew that same route from DFW to MSP and one of the flight attendants was a "regular" that I remembered. And she remembered me! And remembered my fondness for red wine. Her name is Kathy and we had a nice chat as she was sitting in the jump seat right next to me in the back of the plane.

Kathy was always the lead flight attendant and therefore worked first class. I no longer have status on American so was sitting way in the back. For some reason Kathy was working the regular cabin and not first class. We got caught up on both of our work "stories" and discussed the American - US Airways merger.

What a treat to feel "at home" on my trip home.

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