Monday, February 24, 2014

Snow-pocalyps -- the biggest storm of the 2013-14 Winter (so far?)

Nearly 10" of snow at the airport the amount was only half of it. It started as a misty rain then changed to big flakes of wet snow then it started to blow and blow and blow then it got really really cold.

This has been a winter for the record books. According to the news, it is the coldest winter in over 30 years. Since I have been here for just over 20 years, this counts as MY coldest winter.  And while we have gotten more snow previously this is the first year we have had no thaw and therefore no melting.

The snow we got back in December is still around. It is just buried under the January and now February snows.

The backyard... drifts and all. I sharpened this picture
because snow is difficult to capture in a photograph.
You can also see that the snow is almost to the top of the fence!

That pile next to the house is pretty much
has high as I can throw it.

In front of the YWCA.

A ball of snow.

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