Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween morning moon

Walking to the bus stop, the morning moon is beautiful and eerie.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pumpkin carving

My home grown pumpkin carved for Halloween.

Annual dropping of the ginko leaves

It happened on Thursday.  It was an overcast day but still beautiful effect of the yellow ginko leaves carpeting the sidewalk and grass.

This is the true sign of the impending winter.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fire in the rain

The two fire bushes in the front yard with much needed rain falling.  The rain is really why I'm posting this picture.  We haven't really had any rain in so so long.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Vikings bling from Amy

I had been commenting that I didn't have any Viking stuff to wear so Amy got me a.jersey and hat.  Super!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekend trip to Michigan

Took a long weekend road trip to upper Michigan for my friend Kathy's birthday.  Started out Friday later afternoon.  Took a scenic route to Michigan through upper part of Wisconsin on Route 8. Spent the night in Ladysmith, Wisconsin.  Saturday was a drizzly, windy day to Lake Michigan and around the top side.

Lindstrom, MN fun water tower

Lake Michigan was roiling with waves and wind and rain.
Crossed over the Mackinaw Bridge in fog, wind and rain.
The birthday girl, Kathy, on left and friend, Margaret, from Virginia.

There was still fall color even with all the rain.
Birthday celebrations were Saturday at the house in Petoskey, MI and Sunday at the Bay Harbor club. I headed back to Minnesota Sunday afternoon in a real downpour. Made it as far as Shawano, Wisconsin on Sunday night having gone further down Lake Michigan on the Wisconsin side (near Green Bay).  Arrived back home on Monday at 1pm.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Peace and Harmony (?)

A couple of days have passed without an argument between Frankie and Uno.  Has peace and harmony returned to the household?

When Frankie returned from his vet day, Uno had been acting strange toward him....hissing and hiding.  They even got into a few big brawls with fur flying and a lot of screaming.

Uno even stopped eating treats!  Big sign that she was out of sorts.  But now she is back to eating like she used to and they can be next to each other without growling and hissing.  Daddy is very happy.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Old Chicago Halloween mini-tour

Our first, and possibly only, raffle winner Jane showing off her swag.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Vegetables and fruit

 Had a killing frost over the weekend but was able to harvest the last of the tomatoes and peppers and a couple of pumpkins and apples.

I thought the colors were pretty.
I made fried green tomatoes last night.  Yum.

Not sure if the green pumpkin will turn orange.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Twin Cities Marathon 10K

Ran in my first official 10K.  My time was 56:44 which I was happy with.  10K is 6.2 miles.

It was a frosty and windy morning but above freezing.  There were 1500+ runners!  Many thanks to Chrisitne (and Brew) for the support and holding on to my stuff.

Friday, October 5, 2012

A raw day

A cold and windy day in early October.  I'm struggling to keep.the vegetable garden going.  And I caved in and turned on the furnace since I'm working from home today.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Frankie is still not 100% and prefers to stay under the guest bed.  But he is slowly getting better.
In the meantime, Uno seems particularly mad at me.  I guess she isn't happy that I brought her brother back and he couldn't play.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The hardest part

Frankie is getting his teeth cleaned tomorrow so no food this evening or in the morning.  That also means no food for Miss Uno.

Thus us going to be the longest night of our lives.