Sunday, March 4, 2012

A weekend up north

Jenny and Andrew so kindly invited me to their cabin in northern Minnesota.  North of Duluth not as far as Grand Marais.

We drove up Friday afternoon.

Saturday morning we went snowshoeing around their property and the lake that it sits on.  It was 20 degrees which was warmer than we expected.
I had never been snowshoeing.  Jenny rented me a pair of snowshoes from RMI.

We circled the trail behind their cabin then headed across Gust Lake to a tral to the next lake, commonly called Long Lake.

Being in the lead is literally the trail blazer and takes a good deal of energy. We were all sweating while getting an amazing workout.
This the view from the cabin deck.  You can just make out the trail we made across the lake.

Sunday was much colder but with blazing sunshine.
On the drive home we ran into a big lake effect snow squall.  Though you can't tell it by this picture bus visibility was reduced to a few feet.

It was all so beautiful and truly a winter wonderland.

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