Saturday, February 11, 2012

What the...?

You can buy these very tall paper bags to put your yard and garden compostables in.  I had gotten several for the fall clean up and there was this one left that wasn't quite full and the city doesn't take these during the winter.

Yesterday I noticed that the squirrels have taken ALL the paper parts and left the inside which is mostly day lilly leaves in place! 

You would think the day lilly leaves would make better nesting material than the paper.  May be they wanted the paper to write nasty notes or wall paper their living rooms!
Then this morning I step out the back porch and there is this big pile of pigeon feathers. Kind of hard to tell in this picture but the white stuff is feathers.  Covers about a 3'x3' area.

I am assuming the neighborhood falcon was out for breakfast.

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