Monday, February 6, 2012

Schedule change

My original flight from Honolulu to LAX was delayed by over an hour.  Thank goodness for text message from American Airlines.  That delay would have made me miss my connection to Dallas and then home.

I called the airline and was able to book an earlier flight from Honolulu direct to Dallas.  But it meant instead of leaving at 10:05pm, I was leaving at 7:50pm and had to catch shuttle to airport immediately.  I called Speedi Shuttle which I had already booked for later pickup.  They were able to get me right away and I everything worked out.

I'm in Dallas now waiting for flight to Minneapolis.

Meanwhile I took a surfing lesson on Waikiki Beach.   It was tons of fun and exhausting.  I had two really good rides and a few fall offs.  I also saw a sea turtle while out on my surf board.

Hawaii was fun and relaxing.  Got to play tennis with Chris and Eliza.  The last time I played was four years ago with Chris and Eliza at the same public courts in Kapi'Olani Park.  I was surprised how well I did.

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