Saturday, December 4, 2010

Yes, it snowed.

Minneapolis got hit with a pretty big snow.  Officially 7 1/2 inches at the airport where a plane taxied right off the runway.  No one was hurt.

It is a beautiful light, fluffy snow.  Easy to shovel unlike the first storm in November.  The trees and bushes all are blanketed in white.

The most exciting things have been the 1980's era Cadillac sedan fish-tailing up Park Avenue then turning left from two lanes over.  Quickly followed by the man walking down the little enbankment from his house instead of shoveling the steps.  He slipped, fell and slid down to the sidewalk.

It is relatively warm today in the 20's.  The forecast is for much colder weather starting tomorrow.  I go back to Denver on Monday where it will most likely be warmer than here.

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