Monday, December 6, 2010

Denver...last business trip of the year?

Most likely this is the last business trip of the year...yeah!  Heading back to Denver where it is forecasted to be a lot warmer than in Minneapolis.

I am in a world of pain with the most excurciating lower right back spasms.  I don't think I've had this kind of agony since 1996 when I ended up in back therapy.

At the recommendations of my Mother and Christine, I've been applying heat.  It does give temporary relief.  I searched the airport for one of those sticky heat bandages that Shaquil O'Neal advertises but no luck.  I did find Bengay and tried applying that in the men's bathroom.

I must of gone to the smallest bathroom in the airport 'cause there really wasn't room for me, my roller-board and putting on the stuff....but I did anyway.  It turns into instant heat that lasts about 20 minutes.

I'm now on the a middle seat...with no hope of getting up.  I have a feeling I'm going to need to request a forklift and sedation to get me out of here.  As long as I make no attempt to move in any direction, I'm okay.  But the slightest budge sends shocking pain through my back.  At least I was able to snag a pillow from a flight attendant.  I put the pillow in the small of my back to provide support.  The Delta seats have absolutely no padding which to be honest I think is one of the reasons I'm in this condition.

Enough of my petty whining....there is free wifi onboard thanks to Google.

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