Friday, November 5, 2010

A smile and a laugh

I was making my morning walk to the coffee shop.  It was cold and crisp and the sun was rising.  The maple tree in front of the church was a blaze of yellow.  Leaves were wafting down...floating...shining...making me smile.

Then a leaf crashed right in my face!  It made me laugh.

It was one of the best starts to a day ever.

And the annual ginko leaf drop as it finally got cold enough this morning.

Also, my Mom and I had an email discussion over whether the fruit of a ginko tree have to have a female ginko tree to have fruit.  Most cities try not to plant femail ginko trees.  There happens to be one done the block from my house.

I had claimed that there was no smell.  Well, there definitely is.  The fruit is all over the sidewalk and I stepped all in it.  By the time I got home, I (my shoes) stunk up a bunch.  Avoid ginko fruit.

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