Friday, November 12, 2010

Better Business

As you know I purchased a new boiler and a ductless air-conditioning system from my gas company, Center Point Energy.  I could receive an additional $500.00 off if I paid with cash. I have an equity line that I can draw from so a wrote a check on that account and got the additional discount.

Flash ahead to yesterday...I got my gas bill from Center Point Energy...for a huge some of money!  Turns out the check apparently did not go through and the first I knew of it was that my gas bill reflected the entire purchase amount.  And a $10.00 returned check fee.

I called the gas company to ask what had happened.  The billings person, Adam, said the check was returned and I owed them the full amount plus the $10.00.  I said that wasn't possible because there was more than enough money available.  He said to call the bank and have them fax proof.

I called the bank.  The bank operator said that no attempt had been made to withdraw money from the equity line.  I would have to go to a branch to have the fax generated for Center Point.

I went to the bank today.  Michele at the Uptown Branch was very nice, very patient and very persistent.  She tracked down that the checks I had were for an old account that no longer existed.  Apparently I had done a refinance on the equity line in 2004 and that generated a new account number.  US Bank had not given me new checks though.

Michele typed up a letter explaining what had happened and faxed to Adam at Center Point.  I called him to let him know it was there.  He got it and said he would remove the $10.00 fee.

Meanwhile, I realized that the $500.00 cash discount was not included in my gas bill.  I contacted my salesman who gave me Nancy's name and number at Center Point billing.  I called her to explain what had happened and since I was planning on paying the bill in full, could I not still be qualified for the discount.  She said she would talk to her supervisor and get to me.

Nancy called me later in the day to say the supervisor had agreed and she would credit my billing with the $500.00!!

I am super super happy on how I was treated by US Bank and Center Point Energy.  It took some effort on my part but not really that much.  The way everyone handled the situation was fantastic and shows that some businesses do care.

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