Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dodge Avenger

I just about forgot to do my auto review from last week's rental.  I guess this blog is read more widely than I thought.  Look at the comment posted to my rant about traveling back from Denver.

The Dodge Avenger...what a name.  It sounds like a superhero.  The experience didn't start out very well.  I hit my head on the roof pillar when I first got in.  I don't think I've done that before with any vehicle.  Granted my Ford Escape is taller and has larger door openings, but I was not happy about hitting my head.  I took extra care for the rest of the week.

The rental Avenger was a very basic model.  No extra buttons nor displays....adequate.  It took a little time to get in the groove of the transmission.  Once I understood where the sweet spot was, the car performed very adequately at highway and local speeds.

Unlike some Dodge vehicles, I did not have trouble seeing out in all directions.  There really isn't much good or bad to say.  The Avenger is an adequate vehicle.

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