Monday, October 25, 2010

A crowded house

At one point today there were at least 6 contractors in or around the house installing a new boiler and air conditioning.

Here is the old boiler being disconnected. This boiler was probably installed in the 1970's and was working fine. It's efficiency rating was also probably in the 70's.

Here is the new boiler installed and tested. It is a lot more complicated and has an efficiency rating of 93. It vents to the outdoors (one of those white pvc pipes) and has a temperature sensor outside the house so that it knows how hard to work.

The air-conditioning system is called a mini-split. There are two units indoors (pic below) and this unit outside which is actually a heat pump so can provide cooling or heating or simply dehumidifying. One great side benefit is the electrician installed an outside electrical outlet..which I've wanted since forever.

You can tell from this picture the size of this Fujitsu indoor unit. For testing the tech turned the unit on for heat. It is utterly silent. I didn't even know it was running except for feeling a slight, warm breeze when I walked by.

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