Monday, October 18, 2010

Craziness at the airport

Early flight to Boston today.  I intended to leave the house at 5:30 for a 7:05am flight.  Didn't get out of the house until 5:45 but still thought it would be okay.

Got to the airport where long lines for parking garage but made it through quickly and found a parking spot right away.  My flight was departing from the bottom of G terminal so going to use the mid-terminal security entrance.  Got off the elevator and the security line was back to the car rental counters.  Crazy crazy long.

Okay, I'll go to the main terminal and get through quickly in the Elite status line. Ride the tram to the main terminal and take the escaltor up to gate level.  Chaos!  Lines of people snaking all over the place.  It is dangerous on the escaltor as there is no room for people to step off!  And this is a more than two-story escalator!

There is no way to determine which line is which.  I have never seen such a mess....I actually accidentally type crazi-mess in the title line which is the right description.

I walked around to the down escaltor and decided to take my chances at the mid-terminal security entrance.  Rode the tram back and the line had grown just a bit more.  I figured there was no way I way making my flight.  It was not base 6:30 and it had already started boarding.

Chatted with the other guys in the line.  No one was cranky or freaking out.  What are you to do anyway?  The line moved fairly well and I am typing this from the air on my originally scheduled flight.  There are several empty seats so I'm thinking not everyone was as lucky as I was.

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