Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Working from home this week and enjoying the backyard patio and gardens

First off it has been very warm.  As you can see by the shot of my weather station, it was 102 degrees at 7pm.  Well, not really.  The sun is still setting very high on the horizon and was shining directly on the outdoor sensor which is on the north side of the house.

But as you can see it is 87 degrees indoors.  As long as you don't move, it isn't too bad.  I put the AC unit in the bedroom yesterday so I can sleep at night.
This is a double day lilly that originally is from the old house in New Baltimore, Virginia.

I got these years ago when I was back East.  They've survived being moved halfway across the country and from the backyard to the front.

I love the look of the double blossom.

These are single bloom day lillies.  They came from Garland Wright via Jill Rendall's garden.  They are 4 or more feet tall and have several blooms at the same time.

These are my only tiger lillies.  I wish I had more.  They are so beautiful.  They used to be next to the fence and the squirrels would eat the buds.

I finally moved them to the center of the garden and surround them with a rabbit proof fence while they get big enough.

These beautiful flowers came with the house and survived several years of being eaten by squirrels and rabbits.

1 comment:

Kay said...

Pretty! The double blossoms are beautiful! Hey, I still need to harvest some of those currants and make you some jelly.