Saturday, July 24, 2010

Boundary Waters photos -- Day 2 (Friday)

Frogs, frogs, frogs.

We saw frogs on our way in and at night the frogs kept up a continuous concert...all night long.
Friday we paddled across the lake to a long gorge with waterfalls and rapids.  We parked the canoes at the portage and hiked along the gorge and then into the woods.

The path didn't seem to be used much but it was easy to hike.

We ended up on top of a large rise and discovered blueberries!  Lots and lots of blueberries.  We gathered up more than enough to make blueberry pancakes for Saturday breakfast.
One of the best things about our trips is the relaxing, reading, and story-telling.

It was fairly windy on Thursday and Friday which kept the bugs away and also the temperature down.

Out campsite was facing West with a large outcropping to watch the fish jump, the loons, and a deer swim across the lake!
Jenny's fantastic water filter pump broke.  We'd been using it for years and it finally gave up.

Brian figured we could still use it but it required some effort but we had a good swim and fun trying to get water.

We ended up just filling our water jug from the middle of the lake.  No one got sick.

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