Sunday, July 25, 2010

Boundary Waters photos -- Day 4 (Sunday)

Sunday was mostly about getting back out of the Boundary Waters.

Saturday night was a stormy one way south of us but the lightening was still visible to us.  I woke up seeing the flashes but not hearing any thunder.  I actually thought it might be someone's flashlight.  That freaked me out until I finally heard very very distant thunder.

The two women who had paddled by on Saturday eyeing our campsite showed up again on Sunday.  We are very laid back and do not do anything too early in the morning.

The paddle out went smoothly and the weather was great though a little hot.  We all agreed to find a lake for a swim on the way to Ely.  We stopped at Big Lake Wilderness Lodge and were welcomed to jump in the lake and use the shower if we wanted.

We made it back to Ely, dropped off the canoes, and headed to the custard place for a Dorothy Molter root beer float.  It tasted fantastic and looked just like the Little Indian Sioux River water and foamy water falls!!

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