Monday, December 1, 2008

World AIDS Day - December 1

IBM participates and sponsors the World Community Grid. We received this email today from the Minneapolis IBM office:
> I would like to make you aware of a new initiative that is beginning on December 1 - World AIDS Day. Organizations with a particular focus on AIDS treatment and prevention have issued a challenge to encourage us to dedicate our computing run time to the AIDS Research Project, one of the five projects you can support on the World Community Grid. The World Community Grid is entering its fifth year with more than 1.1 million devices having contributed run time. The World AIDS Day Challenge gives us a good opportunity to acknowledge this commitment and encourage more of us to join this unique cause. Our Twin Cities team has joined the challenge - which kicks off December 1 - and I look forward to our team contributing as much time as possible to this worthy effort.

If you would like to participate in the World Community Grid, please click this link.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go IBM! and way to go Jeff for putting this out there!
Thanks for all you do.