Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Margaret Thatcher

I don't know if I have told my saga of trying to get the Margaret Thatcher Suite at the Hilton Anatole where I stay every week in Dallas.

I have asked each clerk when I check in. The general response has been that they don't have the authority to do that.

So last week I emailed a Guest Relations manager at the hotel asking them using the case that I've been staying at the hotel for over a year and wouldn't it just be nice. I was politely told that the Margaret Thatcher Suite was not available for any of the days in the next two weeks that I would be staying but that the Ford Presidential Suite was available the week of Dec. 15. And that as a loyal IBM guest, I could have the suite at 50% off....that being $750.00 per night!

I replied that even at the gracious 50% discount, $750.00/night room charge would most likely not fly on my expense report.

So last night I checked in and got a room on the same floor as the Margaret Thatcher Suite. And not only is it only the same floor, it is the room next to the Margaret Thatcher Suite. I think it is a cruel joke on the hotel's part.

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