Saturday, August 16, 2008

A sweet ride - Ford Mustang

I think for the first time I exchanged cars. I got to my assigned car, a Kia. I opened the door and tossed in my backpack. As I leaned in the car I noticed it kind of smelled funny. I got in and it definitely smelled bad.

I went to the desk and asked for a different car. I happened to get a Ford Mustang. I've had the Mustang before. A few years ago when I got my first one I thought the ride was too stiff and way too hard.

This one only had 1500 miles on it so was brand new. They have improved the ride comfort tremendously. I really like driving this car. If you ever get a chance to drive this version of the Ford Mustang, I highly recommend it.

But I did something I rarely do. I took a picture of the car. This Mustang was a gorgeous shade of cobalt blue. It was/is a sweet ride.

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