Friday, August 29, 2008

Huyndai Elantra

This week's car felt kind of like my very first car back in 1985, a Ford Escort. There is plenty of room and if you slam the gas pedal to the floor, you can get going.

There were a couple of odd things with this particular car. About every other time I started up, the radio didn't work. I turned off the engine and restarted and voila, the radio worked again.

The other thing was if I forgot to put the car in park before turning it off, I couldn't then put it in park. And if it isn't in park, you can't take the key out. So you have to turn it back on, put it in park, then take turn it off and take the key out.

It was hot and humid as all get out this week. Definitely had to have the A/C on full blast most of the time to keep up. They should provide those windshield sun blocker things in Dallas.

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