Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Avon calling

As I entered my hotel to check-in last night, I see this large and loud group of women in the elevator lobby.

After I check-in, I head back to the elevator lobby which is still full and with a long line of women. Turns out there is an Avon quarterly convention going on. A couple of elevators arrive and quickly fill up.

Another door opens and women pile in. I just want to get to my room so I can change and go to the gym. It has been an extremely long day.

The next elevator opens near me. A few women get on and I right behind them. I announce "man on board" but no one seems to notice. The doors close and someone shouts "MAN ON BOARD!" I quickly let them know that I use Avon products. --- Thanks to Aunt Donna! I was left unharmed.

And for any guys who might be reading this...there are some HOT Avon ladies.

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