Friday, August 29, 2008

Huyndai Elantra

This week's car felt kind of like my very first car back in 1985, a Ford Escort. There is plenty of room and if you slam the gas pedal to the floor, you can get going.

There were a couple of odd things with this particular car. About every other time I started up, the radio didn't work. I turned off the engine and restarted and voila, the radio worked again.

The other thing was if I forgot to put the car in park before turning it off, I couldn't then put it in park. And if it isn't in park, you can't take the key out. So you have to turn it back on, put it in park, then take turn it off and take the key out.

It was hot and humid as all get out this week. Definitely had to have the A/C on full blast most of the time to keep up. They should provide those windshield sun blocker things in Dallas.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My location

Back to Dallas on Monday. Staying through Thursday evening.

The Republican National Convention is in St. Paul next week. I'm expecting the airport to be crowded on Thursday.

Watching the Olympics closing ceremony and they are doing a shot of Michael Phelps in London. And guess where he is? Trafalgar Square. Ahhh, the memories.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

An expensive cup of coffee - part 3

Turns out (pun intended) that the left turn at Isles Parkway is now becoming historic.

Here is copy of email from Marlin:

Monday, August 18, 2008 6:24:53 PM
US News
From: Rie Gilsdorf
Subject: Beware illegal turns - Lk of the Isles
To: US News

Just a warning to those of you who may be dropping off children at BC and
driving in to US via Lake of the Isles this week - the police are increasing
enforcement, sitting on Euclid just off of Lake of the Isles Pkwy waiting to
cite illegal
right-turners. You may have done it a hundred times before, but this week it
just might cost you $125 - it did for me - Beware!

Rie Algeo Gilsdorf
PreK - 12 Arts Department Chair
The Blake School
Northrop Campus Rm. 119

Friday, August 22, 2008

What are they thinking

Part of the Lake Street reconstruction includes planting new trees and putting in new lighting. This week they added the wiring of the new trees for lighting.

So guess what they used to "snake" the wire up the tree trunk to the junction box attached to the tree? Copper tubing. It looks quite lovely and they wound the copper tubing decoratively around the tree.

What has been recently in the news? Copper being stolen from construction sites or even existing homes and buildings. Someone even cut the power cord from an appliance I left for the garbage to pickup.

How long do you think those copper tubes with their copper wires inside will last?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Road construction and utility work - duh!

What is it with road construction and utility work not being co-ordinated???

There has been a complete tear down to dirt including curbs, lighting, plantings, road service, signage, etc. of Lake Street for the last almost two years. They finally resurfaced one side of the street late last year and they just finished the other side this summer. And now the digging big holes in the new road surface to work on utilities!!

Granted the road needs one last asphalt layer I guess but why didn't they do the utility work when the street was down to dirt?! And they are having to close lanes again while the new road is dug up!

Home this week

I forget that people actually do read this blog to find out where I am.

No travel this week. Frankie is driving me crazy. He's wandering around the house whining. I don't know what his deal is.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

backyard hummingbird

I think it is a first. There is a hummingbird in my backyard enjoying the tower gerarnium I bought a few weeks ago.

I don't recall ever seeing a hummingbird in my backyard before. Very neat.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Amy going homeless?

I'll let you make your own caption.

A sweet ride - Ford Mustang

I think for the first time I exchanged cars. I got to my assigned car, a Kia. I opened the door and tossed in my backpack. As I leaned in the car I noticed it kind of smelled funny. I got in and it definitely smelled bad.

I went to the desk and asked for a different car. I happened to get a Ford Mustang. I've had the Mustang before. A few years ago when I got my first one I thought the ride was too stiff and way too hard.

This one only had 1500 miles on it so was brand new. They have improved the ride comfort tremendously. I really like driving this car. If you ever get a chance to drive this version of the Ford Mustang, I highly recommend it.

But I did something I rarely do. I took a picture of the car. This Mustang was a gorgeous shade of cobalt blue. It was/is a sweet ride.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Typical Texas road signage

The road from the client site to where all the restaurants are is under construction. Actually just the part that goes over another highway. It has dropped quite a bit and there were some amazing bumps getting on and off the over pass.

Well they are finally fixing it so the road is closed and there is a sign and cones. The cones guide you into the right lane. The construction sign says to turn right and follow the detour signs.

Well, there aren't anymore signs. That's it. Follow what detour signs?? Nope, you're on your own. Good luck. Buh-bye.

Avon calling

As I entered my hotel to check-in last night, I see this large and loud group of women in the elevator lobby.

After I check-in, I head back to the elevator lobby which is still full and with a long line of women. Turns out there is an Avon quarterly convention going on. A couple of elevators arrive and quickly fill up.

Another door opens and women pile in. I just want to get to my room so I can change and go to the gym. It has been an extremely long day.

The next elevator opens near me. A few women get on and I right behind them. I announce "man on board" but no one seems to notice. The doors close and someone shouts "MAN ON BOARD!" I quickly let them know that I use Avon products. --- Thanks to Aunt Donna! I was left unharmed.

And for any guys who might be reading this...there are some HOT Avon ladies.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to Dallas

Leaving tomorrow, Tuesday, for another trip to Dallas. Back on Friday in time to go to gala opening of the season at The Guthrie with the opening of the world premiere of "A Little House on the Prairie - the Musical."

We're supposed to get some much needed-rain tonight. I sure hope it happens. Dallas is forecast to be a cool mid-90's this week!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

An expensive cup of coffee - part 2

I decided to try to battle the violation for turning left before 9am.

I went to the "Violations and something or other" office in downtown Minneapolis Friday morning. I had planned on getting down there early in the day but because of meetings and problems with work, I didn't make it until almost 12:30.

The waiting room was pretty full. The count down counter was at 15. I asked for the next number which was 44!

After about 15-20 minutes they started calling out numbers and it looked like it was going pretty fast. Most people were only in the inner offices for a few minutes. I really had no idea where or what was happening on the other side of the door.

When the number got to 42, it stayed there for quite a while, of course. Finally my number was called. I was prepared to argue my case as an extreme violation given that it occurred at 8:50am - only 10 mins under the wire.

The gentleman who called my name was in jeans and short-sleeved shirt. I figured I would be taken to a hearing room or such. Nope. Went to his little office with a desk, his chair and one other chair.

Before I could even say anything he said, "so you want to get this off your record?" I said I did. He said, "okay, but you have to pay the fine of $125.00." I said yes and then asked if I could get the fine reduced.

"No," he said, "it is one or the other. Off your record or reduced fine."

I agreed to the off the record option and signed the release. I have to have a clean record for a year for it really to be off. What it really means is the prosecution is suspended for a year. I paid the fine at another window.

On closer reading of the form, I noticed that the fine is actually also removed and becomes a prosecution fee which goes directly to the precinct that issued the violation. That just reeks of quota system. The violation dollars don't go toward a general police or road or safety fund but to the precinct. Obviously there is an incentive for each precinct to maximize their violations and if there is budget to be considered, then a quota has to be involved.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A garden view

Decided to work late but at least sit outside on a beautiful evening here. And here is the lovely view from my picnic table.The picture doesn't really do justice to the colors.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Some more catching up - sunrise

I've tried to doctor this photo and it doesn't really do the sunrise justice....but here is the sunrise from the 25th floor of the Hotel Anatole last week in Dallas.

Some more catching up - Kathy and the zoo

I took the noon flight home on Thursday so I could go to the Minnesota Zoo with my friend and previous co-worked, Kathy Just. Her electric co-operative sponsors a free evening at the zoo.

Here we are in the very bright sun light.

Kathy has a really nice digital camera. Here are some of her pictures.

This beautiful gibbon and her partner who is black were both very animated.

Some catching up...Michele in town

Friend and previous co-worker, Michele Charron, was in town last week. She stopped by and we went to Stellas. Stellas has a great roof top bar. It was crowded as all get out. The view of downtown Minneapolis is spectacular.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Mazda 3

I've been wanting a Mazda 3 rental for quite a while. I always really enjoyed the Mazdas I have owned or my Mom's.

The Mazda 3 is definitely fun to drive. It is nimble and quick. The interior seems a bit dated. The gauges are set deep into the dash.

Speaking of the gauges in daytime they have white faces with black lettering. At night the have blue faces with red lettering and red lights. The gauges are easier to read at night than day.