Saturday, April 7, 2007

A typical Saturday?

Mom and I kind of slept in - or at least we thought. I cooked up the rest of the streaky bacon and fried eggs. Delicious breakfast.

I thought we would hit the Saturday market at St. Marylebone Parish so we headed over at 10:00am only to find the market doesn't open until 11. The streets and sidewalks were pretty empty. Guess people in this part of town have gone on holiday. I did notice a bilboard for an area website Marylebone Village

So we came back to the flat and relaxed until 11:00am. We made it over to the market but not too much of interest. We dropped off the loaf of bread and trinkets at the flat then headed to the Wallace Collection museum. This was my third trip to the museum which I really love.

We lucked out because a free tour was starting soon after we arrived. There is just so much to see in this collection. The tour guide was wonderful..telling stories of the house and select pieces of the collection of paintings, furniture, sculptures and porcelains. Hearing the back-stories of some of the famous paintings really made the tour.

We then headed to Oxford Street to catch the bus to Picadilly Circus. It appears most of humanity is back in London. Oxford Street was jam-packed. The bus stops are quite spread out and we ended up walking quite a way before getting to a stop. We were actually walking faster than the buses were traveling down the street.

We did catch a bus quickly though once we got to the stop. There are great views from the top of a double decker. We ended up just short of Trafalgar Square because the buses don't stop in Picadilly Circus. It was a quick walk to our destination the Comedy Theatre to see Boeing, Boeing.

I had seen this play when Chris and Jill were here. If you recall, this is the play that had has laughing almost falling out of our seats. It was still just as funny the second time seeing it. So so funny and the cast is great.

We walked over to Picadilly Circus to catch the Underground. Passed a street performer who was performing the robot. We stopped at The Apollo Pub after getting out at Baker Street for a pint (Mom had a half pint).

Been catching up on the Masters golf tournament on BBC.

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