Monday, September 18, 2017

Spring Green, Wisconsin

I joined the annual trip to Spring Green, Wisconsin again this year. I picked up Rose and we headed to St. Paul to get Dave. We stopped to get coffee before driving to JT and Linda's in Burnsville. We transferred to the Taylor vehicle and drove to the Buckboard in Lakeville for breakfast.

Since we were already south of the Twin Cities and Burnsted's is no longer, we took a southerly route to Spring Green. We were all surprised by how much fall color there was. It was really pretty all along the route. We stopped at a nice rest stop on Interstate 90 west of the Wisconsin border. It had an incredible overlook.

We made good time and met Megan and Michael at the Spring Valley Inn in Spring Green. The hotel no longer serves dinner so we went to Freddie's in Spring Green. The restaurant was a bank at one time. We were sat in the vault. Good food and good friends.

Saturday morning I got in an almost 6 mile run of the flattest land ever. A little pool time then breakfast at The General Store, of course. Dave had a good idea to go to Tower State Park instead of shopping. Dave, JT and I went to the state park which was just a mile from the hotel. It was warm and humid but such an interesting site. Lead buckshot was made using a hand carved hole and tunnel in the limestone.

Saturday night we attended Pericles, King of Tyre at American Players Theater. It was a fantastic production. The Hill stage has been renovated along with the audience/concession area. Really nice.

Sunday we ate breakfast as usual at The Shed. Then headed home via the Mississippi River route. It took a lot longer than expected but was very scenic. You will have to ask about the sports car, driver and hat story.

 A picnic along the Mississippi River (on the way home)

Downtown Spring Green

We stopped at an apple orchard in Wisconsin

Mississippi River from Wisconsin side

Inside the tunnel at Tower State Park

The hand dug hole for making lead buckshot

My Saturday morning run took me by this

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