Thursday, July 27, 2017

Front Door Project

Making progress on one of my most difficult projects. Stripping hundred year old varnish and dirt from the front door.

The door weighs a ton and I have to take it down and put it back any time I leave and at night.

I first tried sanding off the mess but that didn't work. went on line and saw a demo using a heat gun. That worked well for the larger flat sections.

I was nervous about using the heat gun near the glass. And that proved valid. I tried and was fairly successful for a couple of panes but on the third I created a slight crack in the glass because of the heat from the gun.

I switched to stripper chemicals (citrus and 3M Safe Stripper). I've also sanded and applied post-stripper wash.

Detail of the mess around the glass panes.

Using heat gun. Pile of scrapped off varnish.

Post heat gun treatment.

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