Monday, January 16, 2017

Back from the brink. Never give up.

My dear friend Kelly gave me an aloe plant a year or so ago. It was in a tiny tiny pot and had started to lop over the edges and I figured was root bound.

I finally repotted it into a large clay pot. It was then that I discovered the root was may be a half inch long.

I watered the heck out of the plant after it was re-potted. It proceeded to shrivel up.

All the leaves shriveled and turned a dark moldy color.
I figured it was dead but being as lazy as I am, I just left in sitting there. No watering. Nothing.

Lo and behold the leaves started to regain their color and plump up again.

Eventually all the leaves except one reinvigorated and now there are even two new branches.

Back from the brink. It is possible. Never give up.

By the way, I still haven't watered it.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Apparently chicken is optional in chicken noodle soup

I thought it would be nice to make chicken noodle soup on this cold winter night. Too bad the chicken is an option.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Now we're talking low temps

Even -5 at my house in Uptown.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Frankie and Uno

Frankie and Uno are still sticking in there.

Frankie has made the upstairs bathroom sink his latest hang out place. I thought it was because the cold porcelain felt good but now I am not sure.

Uno has never had one place. She parks herself wherever and whenever she wants. And she still loves the Nature show on PBS.

Recording those nasty temps

I think this is our lowest temp so far this season. Definitely the lowest so far in 2017 but it is early yet. Little snow on the ground.