Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A busy Sunday

The first event of the day was actually cancelled. Friends Duane and Peter were going to host a brunch, however, Duane got really sick earlier on the week. Brunch was cancelled. Duane is doing better.

I went to Isles for coffee and coffee cake with Christine and Brew. Just as I was remembering that there was a work activity I should have checked on, my phone rings with news that the work activity was not going well and my opinion was needed.

I went home to check in on work. As usual there wasn't much I could really do but I did provide input.

My friend Kelly was celebrating her birthday by having a ballroom dance instruction party. It was lots of fun. I decided to get dressed up.

Sunday evening was Sunday Bowlers. I have been bowling quite well lately bit I haven't ever broken the 600 series mark. My first game was a 211. Could this be the night?! It didn't end up to be but I did bowl my best ever with a 562 series!

The third game was so very frustrating. I rolled nearly all 9's and the majority of the throws it was the 9 pin! And I got spares on all of them.
I'm the second bowler, JA. Eight 9's with spares.
It was still great fun. I enjoy bowling tremendously.

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